About Us

Dr Notes is a website where you can store any medical books, notes, exams, and recalls online for easy sharing. The idea behind the site is to make it more convenient for the medical field staff to share large amounts of eBooks online.

When we were students, we were looking for any online medical file to help us study, but we found it very difficult to find it and download it; some of these sites were asked for payment for getting files.

Hence the idea of creating a website that would represent a medical library helps medical staff and researchers to get free copies.
In 2021, we applied the idea to reality and already set up a site to share medical files, books, exams, and files between doctors, nurses and other medical staff.

There are several options: you can either view files online, or you can download them on your device, and if you're a website owner, you can embed the files on your website to view them for your visitors.

This site features an unlimited number of medical files, views online files without download, download files at high speed with only one click; you can register and upload the files on your account and keep them. Finally, the design is attractive and responsive for all devices.
Our goal from this site is to become the most extensive free medical library for medical staff to make use of.

PDF Notizen ist eine Website, auf der Sie alle Bücher, Notizen, Prüfungen und Rückrufe online speichern können, um sie einfach zu teilen. Die Idee hinter der Website ist es, es den Menschen bequemer zu machen, große Mengen an eBooks online zu teilen.